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درباره روزنامه من

بازکردن صفحه ویکی

A Magyar Külügyminisztérium hivatalos lapja.

No need to dance as EDEN says

43 739, 06:45 روز منتشر شده در Argentina Argentina

Külügyi Közlöny
Official bulletin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of eHungary
Day 739. (28 November 2009) 06:43 server time

[img]http://i50.[/img] … بیشتر »

Diplomata toborzó

10 726, 15:38 روز منتشر شده در Hungary Hungary

Kedves olvasóim,

Ezúton tudatom, hogy a Külügyminisztérium tárt karokkal várja az izgalmat és pezsgést kedvelő, angolul (vagy valamilyen egyéb idegen nyelven) jól kommunikáló játékosok jelentkezését.

Sajnálatos módon kevesen vannak, és tö

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Thank you Turkey

40 724, 13:43 روز منتشر شده در Turkey Turkey

Dear Citizens of Turkey,

The Government of Hungary wishes to officially thank for all the help received from Turkey in the recent battles, which we had recently against the rest of the World.

We all know, that the ties between Turkey and

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Thank you Serbia

38 724, 13:30 روز منتشر شده در Serbia Serbia

Dear Friends!

One of my duties for today was to write an official "Thank you" letter to the People and Government of eSerbia related to the battles we had yesterday. Cool.

I had drafted, but (epic) failed some official letter

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Kind ackowledgements to the People and Government of Russia

20 724, 12:34 روز منتشر شده در Russia Russia

Dear Citizens of Russia!

The Government of Hungary wishes to show her acknowledgement to the People and Government of Russia with regard to the help provided in the recent battles between eHungary and the Rest of The World.

We all know, that

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