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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

[DoD] ACUK SC Elections & WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 4

3 563, 01:47 روز منتشر شده در Australia Australia

ACUK Squad Commander Elections
ACU Koalas, on the election time, you also get to vote for who will be Squad Commanders!

Here are the candidates;
Aussie Vegeta

How to vote: Click [url=http:// … بیشتر »

[DoD] WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 3

2 559, 15:31 روز منتشر شده در Australia Australia

WarGames Round 3, Battle 3
Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open. Chile will always بیشتر »

[DoD] WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 2

8 557, 21:51 روز منتشر شده در Australia Australia

WarGames Round 3, Battle 2
Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open. Chile will always بیشتر »

MoD Update & WarGames Rnd 3 Battle 1

5 555, 19:30 روز منتشر شده در Australia Australia

WarGames Round 3, Battle 1
Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open. Chile will always … بیشتر »

MoD Update: ACU Koalas Formed & WarGames Rnd 2 Battle 4

9 553, 18:39 روز منتشر شده در Australia Australia

MoD Update

Foundation of the ACU Koalas
ACU Koalas, the special forces in training military unit of Australia have been born! Recently, I changed the requirement of the Dropbears to be the top 32 soldiers in … بیشتر »