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On July 25th, Trust Me (PLUS GOLD GIVEAWAY)

19 Päev 1,707, 10:25 Published in Canada Canada Poliitilised depatid ja analüüsid Poliitilised depatid ja analüüsid

Trust. Its a hard thing to come by these days. In today’s world, it seems there should be no reason for you to trust those in political office or those aspiring to take … read more »

Canadian Sympathizers: Will they Drink the Kool-Aid?

9 Päev 1,705, 15:45 Published in Canada Canada Sõjapidamise analüüs Sõjapidamise analüüs

First off, on a slightly related note, congrats to eCanada, it's allies, and it's supporters for holding off the American invasion of Manitoba! It was a fantastic victory and it … read more »

Brolliance Over! Canada Marches to War!

3 Päev 1,702, 20:29 Published in Canada Canada Sõjapidamise analüüs Sõjapidamise analüüs

The time has come! The day is here as the USA has invaded Canada! After a long time of waiting, wondering, and speculation, they have attacked Manitoba. The … read more »

Elections, Alliances and Drama! Oh My!

11 Päev 1,690, 12:55 Published in Canada Canada Poliitilised depatid ja analüüsid Poliitilised depatid ja analüüsid

Well, after a succesful PTO, bickering among candidates and parties, and an exposed super alliance treaty, another CP election has passed. For the next month, Rylde will be leading eCanada. Congrats to Rylde! So like him or hate him, you're stuck

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