Taust sees/väljas

Pollution in Romania

12 Päev 3,155, 23:32 Published in Romania Romania Majandus Majandus

This is a back of the envelope analysis of pollution levels in Romania, 10 days after it was introduced in eRepublik.
The values are here:
Dobrogea, Muntenia, Oltenia, Transilvania, Moldova pollution[/read more »

Unde pun firmele (în România)

13 Päev 3,147, 03:11 Published in Romania Romania Majandus Majandus

Complicată şi urâtă treabă a făcut Plato.
Pentru că 1) am firme de mâncare şi arme, 2) nu sunt un împătimint al eonomiei, 3) nu caut să mă "îmbogăţesc" dar 4) nici nu îmi place să pierd resurse pe mâna mea, 5) nu am timp să mă mut odată cu ră

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Sfarsitul lumii

7 Päev 2,701, 13:09 Published in Romania Romania Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus

Nu stiu cum va simtiti voi, dar pe mine cand am vazut chestia de mai jos, m-au trecut fiorii:

No hell below us

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A new religion and his prophet

8 Päev 2,613, 05:53 Published in Romania Romania Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus


I was reading the loads of bullsh**t on how we should nicely treat certain religions and religious people (the later quick to shatter themselves into lots of pieces) an decided that it's time to act.
Therefore, with immediate effect, I

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29 July 1014

2 Päev 2,433, 05:49 Published in Argentina Argentina Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus

Bulgaria, 1000 years later...tic-tac, tic-tac

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