Taust sees/väljas

"FOR ASLAN" winners

5 Päev 2,419, 13:09 Published in Belgium Belgium Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus

Hey guys, I got some time today to go on eRepublik, because I'm on working vacation. 🙂 LOL
You know about the lottery and, the prizes should be sended long time ago.

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15 Päev 2,401, 15:36 Published in Belgium Belgium Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus

Hello Human, from the world of the other side. We, the Narnians are very rich, and yet, we seek to give that gold and happines to others.

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Public letter to the President of Belgium

33 Päev 2,339, 11:58 Published in Belgium Belgium Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus

Dear Mr. President,
as Citizen of Belgium I want to show you something.

First of all, we know how people got their spots in your GOV. "Who asks, he gets."
Now, we still know who and what is our Prime Minister. As we know, he stoped "PTO" for a

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Cika is mad

33 Päev 2,334, 13:50 Published in Belgium Belgium Suhtlus ja meelelahutus Suhtlus ja meelelahutus

Hey, me again! 🙂 Yeah, sorry for beeing boring, but, that's me! "The great PTOer, tratior, and all other sh*ts."

As I said, I will write article after electRions, but, since I had many obligations in RL, I wasn't avaiable to do it. So, I

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[CP Candidature p4] Final words !

13 Päev 2,326, 12:20 Published in Belgium Belgium Poliitilised depatid ja analüüsid Poliitilised depatid ja analüüsid


Libertation Front

[img]http://static.erepublik.net/uploads/avatars/[/img] … read more »