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Providing fun, diplomatic, political and military reports! To be happy, read La Jeune Belgique!

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[eSwi] Bye bye Switzerland!

61 Día 2,056, 16:20 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hello everyone!

Few month ago, I discovered a country devasted by PTO. I went there to answer a friend call by I realised that it was not exacly like that.

[ … leer más »

Kaad, a fighting way

16 Día 2,054, 05:38 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Hellow everyone!

I'm gona speak today about a criticism that was made to me concerning my patriot damage...

Well, this is stupid maybe, but I'm gona explain … leer más »

Chukcha by SLP for CP

11 Día 2,053, 14:11 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hey citizens,

I have tried to be the most devoted as possible to my party, and here is the choice of our party.

Chukcha is … leer más »


12 Día 2,053, 09:21 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hey-llow everyone!

No, today article is not about CP elections...

Maybe some of … leer más »


17 Día 2,051, 00:59 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hi everyone!

This is really funny how this has gone!

On one hand, I heard critics. I was criticize on my strengh/patriot damage... This is really stupid.

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