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Vote Connors in California

7 Día 975, 19:24 Publicado en USA USA

If we still have it left. Otherwise, just kiss it goodbye.

Make sure you follow DoD Orders... the JCS KNOWS what they are doing...

If Croatia loses its last region, it is worse than the USA losing California!

So Kick some ass... [url=http://

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This HAS to End...

13 Día 972, 16:08 Publicado en USA USA


So I am an understanding guy...

But here's a couple of errors that SHOULDN'T be happening...

I got this one THREE TIMES as I tried to place

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Consider this a Challenge, USWP

18 Día 971, 11:09 Publicado en USA USA

Today, I became the first person to ever be elected to the position of USWP President four times. Thank you.


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The Next American Idol?

6 Día 966, 21:50 Publicado en USA USA

Tonight I lost my remote and was too high to get up and change the channel so i was forced to watch the absolute worst show on TV...

To my

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It's HIGH Time

33 Día 964, 23:42 Publicado en USA USA

Tonight, I was deep in thought as I stood outside smoking a cigarette. Thoughts lead to more thoughts and all of a sudden my mind was in a flurry of activity and excitement. One right after the other.. … leer más »