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Currently running Historical events in Irish History

War Comes to Ireland

2 Día 814, 18:15 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND-- War. Yes, war. The word on the lips of so many here in Ireland for so long is finally being spoken for real. It is no secret. We can see the proposal and count the votes. Ireland is going to be at war with Norway

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What DO We Want?

10 Día 810, 11:34 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND - Everyday I have read in newspaper articles and on forum both in the general discussion and in the Dail that Ireland needs to choose a side in the great EDEN/Phoenix debate. Our citizens can not grow and advance if we

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Irelands' Path

6 Día 802, 12:40 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND - Recently I have been reading many newspaper articles and comments in other articles about which path Ireland should take regarding alliances. The general consensus is that Ireland should join some sort of alliance or

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13 Día 798, 15:00 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND - Hello to you all. My name is Anthony Colby and I am new here and I thought I would tell you a little about myself. I was born in the eUS at the end of May 09. Since I am a RL American Citizen this is hardly

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Vote Morrisseau

0 Día 755, 19:13 Publicado en Bolivia Bolivia

Tomorrow we vote for the next leader of our political party. It is very importand that we vote for someone who will work for Bolivia and has our best interests in mind and not just running to get gold or to TO a political party. That is why

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