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You are looking at the newspaper of Max Blue; social and political reformer, businessman and snappy dresser. I write articles for the global community and proUK articles.

[GER] UK peace treaty (why) - Britischer Friedensvertrag (warum)

10 Día 822, 03:39 Publicado en Germany Germany

Yesterday it was annouced the UK had agreed peace treaties with Spain, Poland, Norway, Canada, Sweden, and the United States.

The eUK'
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Removal of the green subscriptions box

15 Día 816, 10:50 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice the removal of the green subscription inbox on the left of the screen, but I have seen relatively little said about it.

In fact for something that is as important as this, the lack of
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A polandball that actually made me lol

18 Día 814, 09:47 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

If you don't get it, watch this where the words come from:

I don't know who made this polandball but I just
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[Guide] What to do under invasion ~ please vote

16 Día 810, 04:51 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

Here are a few short steps on how to help our country. If everyone values their UK citizenship make sure you help your country while we still have one!


Vote (top left of the article) and subscribe (top right of
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Its great to have allies

64 Día 808, 02:59 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

Lets all stop what we're doing right now, and send a message to all our allies as strongly as we can. This means using your citizen account and organisation account(s) to vote up these messages to our friends.

Love to all our Phoenix
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