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TC salutes jankems

25 Día 1,201, 21:27 Publicado en USA USA

The Training Corps would like to salute and thank Retired CJCS [url=http://www.erepublik.
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Official TC Statement re INCI

41 Día 1,200, 21:18 Publicado en USA USA

Official Statement of the Training Corps Regarding INCI

Members of INCI are no longer allowed in the Training Corps and … leer más »

TC Tales: Soldier Stories

15 Día 1,199, 18:19 Publicado en USA USA

TC needs a tan
by Morrigan Alexandros

It was a cold today. We were staying home while half of the military deployed to Mexico. I complained to cJCS jankems that I needed a tan! But, he told me to stay home. "You just want … leer más »

The USTC wants you!

35 Día 1,195, 23:24 Publicado en USA USA

Are you ready to serve your country?

Col. Ethan Deluca training a new recruit.

[img]http://[/img] … leer más »

TC War Report

17 Día 1,191, 23:05 Publicado en USA USA

PS: Invasion Cancelled

The past two weeks have seen an incredible amount of activity in our humble corner of the world. Luckily, a lot of it has been good for the eUSA.

In a furious bout … leer más »