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Tourism in erepublik

6 Día 511, 03:34 Publicado en USA USA

Okay.People very rarely move around,so moving tickets are not in demand.How can we change this?By implementing an avatar on each region of a country.Also,a player should have a link or something where he can see where he has been.For example if i

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Tourism in erepublik

10 Día 511, 03:33 Publicado en Hungary Hungary

Okay.People very rarely move around,so moving tickets are not in demand.How can we change this?By implementing an avatar on each region of a country.Also,a player should have a link or something where he can see where he has been.For example if i

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Turism in erepublik(tourism in erepublik)

14 Día 510, 08:42 Publicado en Romania Romania

Vote this article up.Votati acest articol.
Ideea e in felul urmator.Industria de moving ticket e destul de varza ca sa ma exprim asa.Cum putem sa o schimbam?Prin turism.Daca te uiti la profilul unui user o sa vezi ca are 3 ferestre 😛io,friends si

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26 Día 510, 00:09 Publicado en Romania Romania

Ma adresez in acest articol presedintilor de partid care vor fi votati la urmatoarele alegeri.
Stimati presedinti. Diu1so a scris un articol important aici:

Dupa cum

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5 Día 508, 08:28 Publicado en Romania Romania

Votati acest articol al lui moon ca sa il vada cat mai multi si sa-l raspanditi in toate ziarele din Romania cea reala.Gandul,evenimentul … leer más »