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The first private eNewspaper to reach 1000 editions

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The New Daily Challenge Missions - Walkthrough

6 Día 5,258, 07:52 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

As we all know by now Plato has replaced Daily Orders and Daily Tasks with Daily Challenge Missions.

Most of these missions are easy to complete. So lets start

1. Easiest is buy an item on the market.

So head to your local marketplace

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Mission 8 - 9 and 10 can you do it?

0 Día 5,238, 12:10 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Ok at this moment I reached 81000 prestige points. Have gained 6 out of 10 dragonfly skins and have reached the 400 k energy spend mission and gained 800 carrots.

So for the rest of the week I will probably gain 20000 energy per day. So

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Tiny Art Competition -50000cc

8 Día 5,219, 13:45 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

How it will work. Submit a drawing in the areas around the middle rectangle. best one will get 50000cc from me.

The picture must be 432 x 405 pixels

Link to your original drawing in the comment

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Path 2 Upgrading your weps factory to Q7

4 Día 5,178, 23:25 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Path 1 would be you just simply buy it from a player


you can search for an incorporated factory as well in the same region as your holding

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Who ate erogger rabbit

5 Día 5,176, 15:30 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

it was Winston Hope Smith it was

was the bug fixed i never actually checked

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