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[jw] Running for ESO Party President, pt 2

7 Día 2,277, 02:19 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Previously I announced my candidacy, without really fleshing out some of my ideas. This was intentional: I needed time to put what in my head, was a conclusive approach, into words. Thus, here we are with … leer más »

[jw] Running for ESO Party President, again!

12 Día 2,274, 02:29 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Since the founding of Every Single One I have been around. From being a 'waste of space' with 200 members, to … leer más »

[jw] Our foreign policy: it hasn't and won't change

38 Día 2,269, 23:18 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Since I started playing this game, over 9000 moons ago British foreign policy, whilst often lambasted across the eWorld for its … leer más »

[jw] Duels: The nemesis that keeps you here

30 Día 2,239, 15:48 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

I won't bore you with a long and overly tedious article. Its quite simple. The biggest motivation that I … leer más »

[ESO] End of dogfarts; Maor art needed!

3 Día 2,224, 12:46 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Greetings to all, except gorram dogfarts, who has resigned as Party President. Firstly, it serves us right for indulging Mr Nick. Secondly, it has resulted in once … leer más »