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The Global Defense Report is one of the oldest newspapers in Erepublik with it's first article having been published on day 131. The GDR specializes in reporting on matters relating to war and global security.

Croatia Under Fire

39 Día 738, 12:23 Publicado en USA USA

Croatia has long been a target of PEACE due to its proximity to Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary, all prominent PEACE members. In the past Croatia has been able to withstand all of the PEACE offensives but things are a bit different this time. Now

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The 100 Days War, A Retrospective

59 Día 734, 12:48 Publicado en USA USA

For those seeking my congressional presentation scroll down to the line

133 days ago the world was launched into the largest war ever seen. While the starting date of the war is undisputed its ending is. The war ended a bit like the real … leer más »

Changing of the Guard In the CVP and My 2 Click Comma

18 Día 725, 17:06 Publicado en USA USA

Tomorrow will be my last full day as CVP president with Cromstar taking over on the 16th. It's been a great month and a half and although we didn't quite meet our congressional election goal we surpassed our recruitment goal of 575 even with many

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PEACE Grasping For Straws

55 Día 714, 16:17 Publicado en USA USA">

Not long after PEACE was pushed out of North America the leaders of PEACE began to focus their efforts on a … leer más »

CVP Primary Updated

22 Día 713, 19:37 Publicado en USA USA

Yes I know the war has started back up but I've taken a break this weekend. I will go back to writing war articles tomorrow but I don't know if I will be able to do them daily. I am just here to announce that the CVP Primary has entered the run off

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