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The Global Defense Report is one of the oldest newspapers in Erepublik with it's first article having been published on day 131. The GDR specializes in reporting on matters relating to war and global security.

The North Atlantic War: Day 4 Italy Enters The Fray.

19 Día 387, 19:07 Publicado en USA USA

As the fourth day of the war draws to a close another day of heavy fighting is about to begin. The Spanish have secured their fourth region and the United States and the United Kingdom are looking to gain ground. Sweden is likely to get back into

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The North Atlantic War: Day 2 Miracle At Limousin

20 Día 385, 19:02 Publicado en USA USA

Yesterday the U.S. looked to gain an edge over its allies in the conquest of France and went up against all of the PEACE nations defending France. Today they have just finished one of the greatest military comebacks in Erepublik history by pushing

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The North Atlantic War: Day 1

18 Día 384, 18:10 Publicado en USA USA

With the first day of battles winding to a close, all the involved nations of Atlantis have reported victories in the regions they attacked. The U.S. and Sweden look poised to advance further into the country while the United Kingdom and Canada

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D-Day: The Invasion of France

25 Día 383, 19:06 Publicado en USA USA

As you may of already heard Spain has declared war on France and the rest of Atlantis is joining in (this was the surprise I mentioned yesterday). Currently we are storming the beaches of Western France preparing to make our way eastward into Europe

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World War: Atlantis Vs. PEACE

76 Día 382, 08:34 Publicado en USA USA

First off I would like to congratulate Benn Dover, it was pretty obvious he would win though since nobody else really ran in the election. I kept my name in the ballot in hopes of coming in second and being next in line should something happen to

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