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Trade Barriers

2 Día 537, 19:17 Publicado en Argentina Argentina

Our politicians need to consider all strategic advantages accompanying military cooperation with foreign states. Namely, lower trade barriers with countries that objectively demonstrate awareness and fraternity with Argentina.

In this regard,

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Discovery: "Hard Worker" Medals

13 Día 536, 13:53 Publicado en Argentina Argentina

Just learned that so long as one works 30 consecutive days, you will earn the "hard worker medal" even if you work for multiple companies.

Now, to be clear, I worked for multiple companies (by accident, or stupidity, really) within the same

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Introductory Article

0 Día 535, 19:30 Publicado en Argentina Argentina

Salutations, and welcome to the opening salvo of Argentina's exclusive in Minnesota English (I'm guessing, anyways).

First, and perhaps only, a thought: after a month of play, is anyone else finding eRepublik simply requires too much trial and

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