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News and reports by the Belgian Ministry of Finance. Belgian Government reporting on economic, financial and budgetary matters for Belgian and world citizens. News from the BEF/gold battlefront.

[MoE] Resistance Hero medal FAQ

13 Día 1,357, 21:38 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Fervent readers of the MoE News and Reports don't expect pictures - there are none.

* Who?

The ten … leer más »

[MoE] NBB MM ops

1 Día 1,357, 15:42 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

The Ministry of Economy wishes to inform of the nature and goals of its money market operations.

The [url=http:// … leer más »

[MoF] -> [MoE] New term

3 Día 1,355, 09:20 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Dear citizens of eBelgium,

Congratulations Critically! With a new president and a new government, we'll have the freshness of a new input and the advantage of experience.

The … leer más »

[MoF] State account and donations

6 Día 1,353, 07:22 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Dear citizens of eBelgium,

The Belgian Accounting sheet now includes a stabilised BEF reserves amount (column E on the Account tab). It is … leer más »

[MoF] Donations to orgs gone !

4 Día 1,337, 00:55 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Praise deserves the first one who mentioned, ArtemIvanov : más »