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News and reports by the Belgian Ministry of Finance. Belgian Government reporting on economic, financial and budgetary matters for Belgian and world citizens. News from the BEF/gold battlefront.

[MoF] BYS-Week

6 Día 2,038, 14:48 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

June is ... "get fit for summer month"!
After a lot of carefull deliberation we decided to honor backwards … leer más »

[MoF] Assets after war

18 Día 1,982, 16:35 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Good day everyone.

The war is over and it's time to watch at our economy. As many believe, eBe economies were used to buy Q7 tanks for supplies. This helped a lot to defend our country against eFrance.

Nevertheless a lot of those supplies came

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[MoF] March report

6 Día 1,951, 04:59 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

MoF report, day 1951

Hello dear citizens, this month the report is slightly short as everything has been said before. Our accounting remains stable as you can see on the following graphic. The only loss is due to the program costs (250 000 cc

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[MoF] February report

2 Día 1,931, 11:03 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Good afternoon dear eBelgians ;

Here is the situation for the month of February.

As you can see the situation remained quite stable which is a good point, meaning that mpp … leer más »

[MoF] Evaluation of income and expenses up to day 1864

14 Día 1,864, 14:51 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Negocios y finanzas Negocios y finanzas

Greetings eBelgium,

This is a report on income and expenses for the last 30 days, from 1834 to leer más »