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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

DoD Release: IDF Reformation

46 Día 688, 12:05 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

My Thanks

Fellow eIrish. It is with great pleasure that I come before you today to announce the reformation of the Irish Defence Force. In the last month much was done to bring this day … leer más »

Defend Greece!! MoD-Vote Up!

78 Día 649, 14:44 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Greetings soldiers of Éire,

Turkey have just attacked the Aegean Islands.
We shall assist them in their defence.

Current orders:

Defend [url=http://www.

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Fight in the Wargames-Aug 28-29th

13 Día 647, 14:13 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

The next battle of wargames opened at 12:17 eRepublik time,or 8:17 PM Irish time.
You can fight in this battle twice(and thus use the hospital twice)by … leer más »

IDF Reforms

11 Día 645, 09:25 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Ever since the start of term, it’s been clear the IDF has had problems.
With the loss of the app and forums at the same time we lost all of our info and organisation.
At this stage it’s a broken record so I won't go on.

Many people have been

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20 Día 640, 20:18 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Greetings soldiers of Éire,
Greece has begun it's counter attack on Turkey by trying to reclaim the Aegean Islands region.
As Aegean Islands is an original Greek Region,we Irish should assist them in reclaiming what is rightfully theirs'.

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