Erepublik Jobs

Day 1,918, 17:23 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

I think we should have some sort of advancement for Jobs so I propose we allow people to work multiple times using this simple equation.

(level/10) + 1

So if your level 1 your work 1 time
If your level 10 you work 2 times
If your level 27 you work 3 times
If your level 666 you work 67 times
if your level 104729 you work 10473 times

If you are level 104729 you should be proud because this game is probably your life achievement.

Also your level is the 10,000th Prime

Anyway this would probably work out in eCitizens and Plato's best interest. First eCitizens would love to work more times. Second this system increases players insensitive to reach higher levels so players may spend more gold to advance levels.

This is just an idea please provide criticism below.