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How Can The Turkish Pres Be Banned?

37 Day 792, 21:50 Published in Indonesia Indonesia">

Citizens the Turkish Pres has been Banned

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[GOV] Warga Negara diminta untuk pindah ke Northern Cape

31 Day 792, 08:38 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Kepada seluruh warga negara, Pindah ke Northern Cape secepatnya
Kita harus mempertahankan Northern Cape
Satu-satunya wilayah High Diamond milik kita
Karena ada informasi bahwa NC … read more »

Indonesia Future Ally : eMacedonia

155 Day 791, 06:53 Published in Indonesia Indonesia">

We hope that eMacedonia is added soon to erepublik so that a great nation … read more »

World No.1 Player BattalGazi is Banned

58 Day 789, 00:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia">

World's No.1 player read more »

Recuitment for Battle Group (ABeRI-3)

27 Day 788, 09:44 Published in Indonesia Indonesia">

Dear Indo … read more »