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España es un insulto a TWO / Spain is an insult to TWO

103 Day 2,060, 23:52 Published in Spain Spain Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Desafortunadamente tengo que escribir sobre los movimientos españoles, que son un insulto para la alianza TWO una vez mas. Llevamos bastante tiempo observando lo que hace España, pero ahora ha llegado el momento de decir. ¡Basta!. España tiene que

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¡Gracias, amigos!

31 Day 2,046, 00:53 Published in Spain Spain Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Como se predijo Croacia lanzó una ofensiva sobre Eslovenia el martes por la noche. La batalla fue dura, nada menos se esperaba de los croatas y de su figura principal Romper. Pero al final con una gran ayuda de nuestros aliados y amigos hemos

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España, Eslovenia te necesita!

124 Day 2,043, 01:32 Published in Spain Spain Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

In a few days Slovenia will be in a war with at least three countries. Italy, Croatia and Switzerland have all proposed NE on Slovenia and it seems like all the laws will pass with no trouble at all.

What Slovenia needs now is help from its

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No more police brutality!

21 Day 2,034, 22:40 Published in Spain Spain Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

My Turkish friend keeps me posted about stuff going on in Istanbul and other Turkish cities. This is what he wrote at 2 AM this morning …

Today, following Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s extremely sectarian, separatist, and

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Soy el nuevo embajador esloveno. Hay que acostumbrarse a él!

29 Day 2,034, 00:44 Published in Spain Spain Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I finally got Spanish CS, so now I can start my job as a Slovene ambassador in Spain.

First of all I want to welcome myself to your beautiful country. As I've been there

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