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[AC] Introduction of Adeptus Custodes

11 Day 697, 12:12 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Greetings, dear FRoSEA Citizens!

As you can see the formerly Strong Independent Malaysia Party has been reshaped to a new entity, Adeptus Custodes.

As the name shows we are building a group, a party, a living community dedicated

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Basic knowledge – Logistic at personal level

12 Day 688, 02:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I. Introduction

Needless to say this article focuses on the military aspects of logistic as well as the two previous articles did on wellness, strength and ranking. The “logistic” word is used a slightly different as usually here: not only … read more »

Basic knowledge - Strength and Ranks

6 Day 686, 02:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I. The most valued stat for soldiers – strength

Strength is the most important stat for a soldier. Train every single day – that is the only way to increase it. Why is strength so important? Because all other damage increasing stuff has a … read more »

Basic knowledge - Wellness

17 Day 685, 02:02 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I. Introduction

Well, it is a common knowledge that wellness is the second important statistic to a professional soldier (The first is strength but, as far the rules say it can not be manipulate😛 just train every day and be patient.) and … read more »

How to become a professional soldier (series)

7 Day 684, 04:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

(Költözésünk miatt a továbbiakban a cikkek angol nyelven készülnek el - Due to our move to eMalaysia the articles will published in english only)

Well, some may think that become a professional soldier is beginning and ending with joining … read more »