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Gazdasági szötymörgés a high régiókról

9 Day 881, 01:54 Published in Hungary Hungary

(To my international readers: this article is about some economical issue adressing to eHungary and I am way too lazy to translate it, sorry 😉 )


Rég írtam magyar nyelvű cikket, de Borembukk [url= more »

News from OmniCorp

16 Day 875, 13:06 Published in Austria Austria

Good evening to all!

The OmniCorp working hard beyond the scene to help eAustria getting back on track.

- I proudly announce that OmniCorp just paid for a brand new Q5 hospital for eAustria. The congress voting will finish somewhere 12:

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Mourning about economy

11 Day 869, 02:41 Published in Austria Austria

It seems everybody sleeping here. After eAustria appeared on the map, again, all the taxes were set to a default standard value (1% income tax, 10% import tax, 1% VAT). So far, only the tax of food changed, and we can argue about the new … read more »

Basic knowledge - Wellness

15 Day 855, 03:01 Published in Austria Austria

I. Introduction

Well, it is a common knowledge that wellness is the second important statistic to a professional soldier (The first is strength) and to maintain a good wellness is not only good for military but for the economy too. Let’s … read more »

[OmniCorp] OmniCorp FAQ

17 Day 833, 13:46 Published in Austria Austria

Hello to all eAustrian citizen!

As some of you know, OmniCorp showing up in eAustria. But who the hell are these strange dudes with highly formalized avatars and full of cash? This short FAQ gives you the answers you are seeking.

Q: read more »