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Sol on Australia

32 Day 848, 15:30 Published in Australia Australia

For the sake of being official, Australia's status in Sol has been in a bit of limbo since the first attack on Argentina 9 days ago. Prime Minister Cerb and Jasper Ferguson expressed their anger in the Sol Security Council for allowing the [url=

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Sol and EDEN’s Relationship

34 Day 840, 22:21 Published in Australia Australia

[While the charter says for this to be published in South Africa, I thought it much more useful to publish in Australia, where South Africa's refugees are while the battles still rage.]

It's not a secret that Sol and EDEN have similar goals in

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Sol Chairman Candidates - A Brief Look

6 Day 840, 14:11 Published in Singapore Singapore

With the Sol Chairman elections today, I had the opportunity to briefly sit down with the two candidates (There were three, but Soheil withdrew after Kryteshift entered the race late yesterday.) to discuss some very basic elements of their goals.

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Sol Wargames and Australia

10 Day 839, 16:51 Published in Australia Australia

I understand your frustration at seeing the Sabah battle commence again today, still after Argentina was attacked by Australia. We have read the frustrated posts on our boards, and there are certain things that certainly need to be discussed.


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Australia v. Brazil

5 Day 839, 00:50 Published in Singapore Singapore

We take a break from our previously scheduled broadcast to state the following:

Move to Western Australia and FIGHT BRAZIL!

Let's show them what happens when you sink to the

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