Ambient on/off

Situatia e un pic....anormala!

10 Day 783, 08:45 Published in Romania Romania

De tot rasul!
O paine q1 a ajuns 1 RON!
Domnilor, mai scadeti nitel preturile, ca altfel ne disperati!
Si mai scadeti diferentele dintre o paine q1 si una q5.

Iar o arma q1 6.13 lei.

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I-am rupt pe bulgari!

11 Day 781, 09:13 Published in Romania Romania

In acest moment, in Sofia, zidul e de -640000. Putem spune: un fleac!

Astfel, Bulgaria va disparea de pe harta noii lumi pentru perioada lunga de timp(sa speram).

Bye, bye...noi vom manca niste castraveciori in locul vostru.


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Proposal for the admins! New countries in the game!

5 Day 781, 07:11 Published in Romania Romania

Hello admins!

Why not introduce Andorra, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Malta in the game? Yes, they are small countries in Europe, but it'll be a more realistic game.

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Eden is no. 1 in the world!!!

11 Day 780, 10:27 Published in Romania Romania

Europe-Spain and Poland destroyed France and Germany-they almost mean no more!!! in the eWorld

Phoenix: "Oh, my God, what are we going to read more »

Articolul lui Crazy Man: din nou pe primul loc!

15 Day 780, 08:43 Published in Romania Romania

Nu stiu cum face tipul asta, dar mereu, cam la 10 zile vine cu un articol bomba, de peste 1000 de voturi! Ori e foarte destept, ori are o imaginatie bogata, ori e obsedat de erepublik! Cum faci chestia asta, man?


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