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[humor]Entrevista: Suriat, episódio EUA e babyboom

12 Day 1,151, 15:56 Published in Brazil Brazil

Dear foreign readers. This article is humor, a known player on Brazil. VOTE in the article and SIGN Toboco NEWS

Queridos leitores de língua portguesa. Por favor VOTE neste artigo e ASSINEeste jornal


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Roubaram o Banco da Argentina (mais de 5k gold) - de novo!

68 Day 1,149, 18:48 Published in Brazil Brazil

Roubaram o Banco da Argentina - de novo!

Dear foreign readers. This article comes from the theft (again) of the Bank of eArgentina. An Open Letter was opened for those wishing apoiar.Não forget. VOTE

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Novo babyboom e a sua chance de ganhar 61 golds!!

45 Day 1,147, 18:52 Published in Brazil Brazil

POR FAVOR, VOTE para ajudar a divulgar!

Dear foregneirs readers, please VOTE for help BRazil Babyboom!

Sem delongas, estou

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Preparem suas armas......

73 Day 1,147, 14:10 Published in Brazil Brazil

Agora FU.....

Veja isso e tire suas conclusões....

É o fim da PHoenix e o Fim dos países fracos rsrsrs

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EDEN confirma que Polônia continua na aliança e vai assinar MPP com Romênia

8 Day 1,146, 06:02 Published in Brazil Brazil

Dear foreign readers. Please VOTE this article and Sign this paper. The English version is at the end of the article

Queridos leitores de lingual portuguesa. Por favor, VOTE neste artigo e Assine este jornal


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