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7 Reasons why Australia needs its forums

43 Day 995, 18:58 Published in Australia Australia

1. Because it is the place where most Australians get their true sense of community.

Unlike in the erepublik media, the Indonesians do not control the forums.

2. Because its the only place that we HAVE left that read more »

So ... Where too now?

30 Day 979, 06:21 Published in Australia Australia

Indonesia has taken control not only of our country (65% at a quick count) , but also of our closest and nearest allies, South Africa.

If you were considering moving over there to get AWAY from the Indonesians, it would be advisable
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Party President Elections: The Results

31 Day 969, 00:05 Published in Australia Australia

Subject to change from Admin's Anti-Cheating Project

ANP: WON 73 - 63
AMP: WON 56 - 3
PaPP LOST 82 - 7
ACP: WON 47 - 4
MBP: WON 55 - 5
AI: LOST 67 - 27

Good job, Australia ! But we arent safe yet. … read more »

Party President Elections: July Edition [UPDATED]

28 Day 968, 19:15 Published in Australia Australia

With half an hour left to go, here is the breakdown of how the top 6 parties are faring so far:

Kyle Thornton (Official) 65
frankenstin (Unknown) 33
Doubleyolk 0


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Timeoin for AMP Party President

13 Day 966, 06:28 Published in Australia Australia

Thats right - im going for Party President of the AMP.

As for what im going to do if im elected?

Simple - work with the other Australian parties to get our country back.

(Simple message, no?) 😃


eAustralians for eAustralia

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