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Dubliners, Vote Stanwick for Progress!

17 Day 638, 20:42 Published in Ireland Ireland

Tonight, I announce my candidacy for the Dáil in Dublin. I am running under the banner of the IUP. Although I've not been a citizen of Ireland for long, I've watched the political and social situations develop and change over the last few months as

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Why I've Decided to Run for the Dáil

35 Day 638, 17:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

On moving to Ireland, I intended to become involved in the affairs of the nation as a new citizen, just as I would if I were just starting out in the New World. I've adopted Ireland as my new home and regard it now as my homeland. However, I had not

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Hello Ireland

39 Day 635, 19:09 Published in Ireland Ireland

Break out the beer and start up the music, Chris Stanwick is now an Irishman! I sailed over early after resigning from Congress upon voting against the dastardly peace treaty. Now I'm ready to dance a jig, down some Guinness, and start working for

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United States of PEACE

93 Day 635, 09:35 Published in USA USA

A few minutes ago, President Emerick announced that the United States Congress has passed a peace treaty ending the war with PEACE.

I'm sure many of

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We Have a Winner!

9 Day 634, 15:37 Published in USA USA

Congratulations to Zacharius Axeland, the winner of the first Stanwick House Raffle! Zacharius won a Q1 House when his ticket number was drawn earlier today. Thank you all for participating in the raffle and watch this paper for the

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