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【PM】The end

28 Day 3,800, 08:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings, peons. I'll keep today's article short, sweet and to the point. Over the course of my tenure, several people have gone out of their way … read more »

【PM】 NPF and updates

1 Day 3,797, 07:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Blessed be the fruit, peons. Today is Friday, thus, it is a day of special rewards for new and returning players! First and foremost, I … read more »

【PM】NPF: Fly my pretties

34 Day 3,790, 00:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Blessed be the fruit, peons. Today is Friday, thus, it is a day of special rewards for new and returning players! To celebrate our returning bots, players, we read more »

【PM】Citizens Uber Alles!

14 Day 3,780, 23:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Blessed be the fruit, peons. Today's update was slightly delayed, as I took a wrong turn yesterday and ended up on a mountain. You'll be happy to know that I managed to … read more »

【PM】Get your tips out for the lads

7 Day 3,777, 06:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Peons, I am back with another update. Before I go into other details, please remember that tomorrow is strike day. Dave will be providing food and weapons to all troops who apply [ … read more »