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The Paper of Mr Woldy.

An Archive for eUK and eRep!

Germ's Swede's and Congress.

17 Day 551, 07:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Sweden and Germany
After Germany lost a few consecutive battles to Poland and Sweden the initial stages of the war are looking grim for the Germans. This, possibly because Sweden has rallied a lot of support, countries like Romania and … read more »

Sweden - A Tyrant's warpath

21 Day 547, 13:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


The Swede's have attacked Schleswig-Holstein. If you want to help them, you can fight them here:
If you PM me I can provide you with weapons. You do not need a moving … read more »

Sweden - the Brink of War.

12 Day 545, 03:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Recently, you probably have read that Sweden has been planning on invading Germany. I myself wrote an article about it, here:

This morning it was … read more »

Prime Minister's Questions II

9 Day 540, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Today we saw the 2nd Prime Minister's Questions, it was, as it was last week, well organised and very informative. Yet again, the People's Gazette brings you the highlight's. It was, as always on the IRC room: [url]http://irc.[/url] … read more »

Sweden and Atlantis

21 Day 539, 07:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Or, the Atlantic Treaty of Latin, American, and Nordic Territories for International Security. Atlantis, is an alliance that was put in place “for International Security”. You have probably been hearing a lot about Atlantis and … read more »