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[CP] With Friends Like This Who Needs Enemies!

83 Day 1,581, 15:25 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

About 10 days ago I was invited to a meeting with France and Ireland, to discuss a potential return of regions for the eUK. Discussion was had and I reserved my decision until I spoke to Congress. The decision was to NOT return regions at this

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[CP] The Receipt - Simple Math

12 Day 1,579, 19:43 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment



[img][/img] … read more »

[CP] Operation Blackout - DEFCON 2

43 Day 1,579, 09:15 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good Afternoon eCanada,

Rumours of my demise are wildly exaggerated.

Late this week I met with my Cabinet team in an emergency meeting. I advised my team that real and credible threats to myself and the nation had been received. It was

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Northern Exposure - 2/23/2012

14 Day 1,556, 10:48 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Northern Exposure: 2/23/2012

I am LIVE on air at 14:30 eRep time...why not listen in on the Link at the bottom read more »

Puppetmasters: A Look At "Teh Deal" - Part 2

14 Day 1,554, 09:35 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Part 2 of a series covering the CPF & DAL Alliance

”Teh Deal” - Part 1

If you have not read part 1, take some time to do so as it sets … read more »