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9 Day 4,799, 13:22 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Citizens,

The failed establishment would rather keep the eNation divided so long as they are in power than doing the right thing for the eNation.

The forgotten men and women in eSwitzerland have enough of this failed government which

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Tim Buctu - the Spy agent

69 Day 4,797, 15:50 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Citizens,

I understand the past day has been tough on all of us. The government lied to us. We recently learned that the legendary Tim Buctu has gone to Italy.

I think it was important for the failed establishment to tell us why a patriot

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Dear Rican

23 Day 4,796, 15:20 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Rican,

It was with utmost appreciation and admiration, I have heard of your intention to finally end the plague of a drama that affected the eNation for the past 8 months.

As part of your seriousness you have deleted your most recently

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Who is Tef1

47 Day 4,794, 16:55 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


I know, I know I know - everyone knows I am a patriot of eSwitzerland, but what else should everyone know about me?

1. I am funny - hysterical actually. My mission is to make you cry through laughter.
2. I am kind - always help

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Landslide victory for the clown

14 Day 4,792, 15:32 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello all,

WOW!!!!!, I am speechless. Literally speechless.

Yesterday, the honorable eSwitzerland hero Rican otherwise affectionately known as uncle Rican honored me with his nomination of our eNation's worst troll.

It was an honor enough

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