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[TIA] NWO, EDEN, TERRA: Global statistics

58 Day 1,227, 12:41 Published in USA USA

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Karl Marx once said, that statistics is the first political science. In my article I … read more »

[TIA] The fall of Russia's swan

41 Day 1,225, 11:26 Published in USA USA

Ladies and gentlemen, I am overwhelmed with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I am pleased to present you my new article … read more »

[TIA] The land of opportunity. The eGC project.

7 Day 1,210, 12:30 Published in USA USA

Dear Senators, officers, ladies and gentlemen, subscribers from distant states. In this article, I would suggest that … read more »

[TIA] Complex Problems - Simple Solutions

14 Day 1,195, 09:01 Published in USA USA

Greetings,, dear citizens of the United States. I will not take much of your time. I just try to understand some things … read more »

[TIA] We are not sosnooley: USA+Russia = <3

61 Day 1,187, 10:38 Published in USA USA

Hello, fellow americans. Following CRoy's example, I'll try not to turn this article into tl;dr and be as informative as … read more »