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Answer to the Comments

74 Day 666, 04:38 Published in Canada Canada

Hello....good morning 😁

some of you read my last article and maybe you didn't understand why so many Persians are writing comments or what they saied.

well they' just don't understand that this is a game and think it's something more

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Yahoo!/MSN IDs

1 Day 657, 11:46 Published in Canada Canada

Hello fellow Canadians.

maybe it would be a good idea to add our Yahoo!/MSN IDs so we can make better communications.
so that there should be no place for false propagandas anymore.
every one who is intrested should post his ID here so the

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Canadian Flag-part1

3 Day 647, 08:21 Published in Canada Canada

Some weeks ago,France invaded Quebec,Canada lost and Quebec fell into the hands of France,thing were about to get normal again…there were some bodies on the ground,weapons here and there and bullets in the walls….in the middle of that was the farm

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Hello Canada

6 Day 646, 03:33 Published in Canada Canada

Hello fellow Canadian,hope you're doing good.

well I came here from iran cuz I was sick to be the pupet of indo-hungarian goverment.
why Canada?because I saw you're bravery fighting aainst PEACE,sacrificed you're own country for you're allies...

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سایت مشکل داره؟

13 Day 644, 02:54 Published in Iran Iran

امروز روز انتخابات هست و همانطور که دیده اید جمعیت ایران خیلی رشد کرده.....پس به ادمین بگیم هر روز انتخابات بذاره

خب اصل مطلب
نمی دونم پیش شما هم همینطور هست یا نه ولی من هر روز که می خواهم کارای روزانه را بکنم مثل جنگ یا کار کردن بعضی سای

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