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20 Day 1,649, 04:11 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear eSlovakians,

As you can see, my name is Željko Vukmirović. I'm coming from eMontenegro. Few moments ago, I found out that my application for Slovakian CS is accepted.

I'm very happy and thankfull for that! 🙂

There are

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|ART|: Funny photos

2 Day 1,647, 17:31 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello, dear readers!

I've decided to put a smile on moment between those numerous wars in eWorld 🙂

Take a look next photos. I hope you gonna like it!


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Kraj jednopartijskog sistema u eCG?

36 Day 1,646, 09:20 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Poštovani građani eCrne Gore,

Nije to tako davno bilo, kada su se dvije jako suprostavljene frakcije u eCG, svima dobro poznate, odlučile na formiranje jedne stranke koja bi imala za cilj da pomiri, ujedini i stane na kraj javnim prepiskama

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21 Day 1,645, 03:11 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear readers,

I think it is time to eSOUTH KOREA TO BE FREE!

EPIC and ONE, let's help them here:


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48 Day 1,643, 15:15 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear citizens of eWorld,

Today, 21.05.2012 is our INDEPENDENCE DAY! Today is a very happy day for ALL MONTENEGRINS! On this day, 6 years ago, Montenegro said YES to it independence and bring it back again!


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