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Flufferton Awards Stolen and Renamed Emerick Awards

19 Day 793, 15:54 Published in USA USA

We have taken this Organization and renamed this paper and these awards because the government has failed in its job of continuing to name winners. We do this because its what is best for this country and more importantly because it is what Emerick

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The First Winner of The Zoli Prize For True Reporting

24 Day 767, 16:18 Published in USA USA

We are proud to announce the first ever winner of the Zoli Prize for True Reporting.

And the winner is...

Drum roll please....

Max McFarland 2 for his article [IRAN] Fight for Justice. Fight with Honor.

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The Flufferton Foundation is Now Considering Submissions

16 Day 754, 22:21 Published in USA USA

We are happy to announce that the Flufferton Foundation is now considering article submissions by any citizen who wishes to be considered for an award. The first prize will be presented on Wednesday the 23rd of December. The awards are:


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Announcing The Flufferton Award for Excellence in Media

38 Day 748, 15:37 Published in USA USA

Recently, The eUS Congress voted on and approved the Flufferton Award, the eRepublik equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize. The Flufferton Award is actually 5 monthly awards promoting good media and newspaper articles. The awards are:

1. The

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