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DAY 1K!!!!!!

8 Day 1,000, 00:06 Published in Greece Greece

Lets hope we all stand here, as friends, for another 1000 days!

Hail Eden.

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eSpain--eGreek MPP

24 Day 996, 05:42 Published in Greece Greece

Its already proposed and accepted. 30 more days of crushing PNX dreams!

Hail eSpain and eGreece alliance.
And Hail every single EDEN eCitizien for making this possible!

Our both … read more »

Spanish ambassador

14 Day 995, 05:46 Published in Greece Greece

As the spanish ambassador, im here to help our both countries relationship. If you, eGreek citizien, got something interesting to discuss with eSpain, feel free to share your thoughts with me, and if i consider it suitable for both countries, i

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Cambio de nombre periodico

5 Day 994, 06:32 Published in Spain Spain

Por motivos nacionales, este periodico pasara a llamarse EMBAJADA DE eGRECIA

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Sobre el consumo manual de comida y nuestra amada eEspaña.

7 Day 994, 06:02 Published in Spain Spain

Ayer, dia 993 del nuevo mundo, recibiamos una noticia singular desde el eInsider: El consumo de comida dejaria de ser automatico para pasar a ser una decision personal, tanto en numero como en calidad.

Un gran articulo, en el top 5 español, lo

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