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The Long Swords Rebellion Re-Visited - Needlessly.

12 Day 1,095, 20:36 Published in Canada Canada

I've been following this from a far, and have been attempting to re-orient myself to the political climate and the ongoings here in eCanada over the last few months.

But before I go further, allow me to admit and confess - it was no secret back

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Do you find the Military Module a Bit Confusing?

5 Day 1,092, 20:25 Published in Canada Canada

So, I’ve been curious about the whole military side of things. I’ve been back in eRep now for just over a week, after my 4 month hiatus. How do weapons work? Is there a difference between the various weapons? How is War Influence calculated?

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Where in the eWorld is Wal... errr Wilhlem Gunter?

24 Day 1,085, 20:44 Published in Canada Canada

Four months have passed since Wilhelm Gunter last worked and trained.

Four months have passed since Wilhelm Gunter has fought in a battle.*

Four months have passed since Wilhelm Gunter published an article.

Four months have passed since

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Wilhelm Gunter for Leader of the CPF

19 Day 936, 00:17 Published in Canada Canada

Several months ago, Addy Lawrence won the leadership of the Canadian Progressive Front. Since that time, he has proved to be … read more »

Self - Cannibalization

22 Day 914, 01:15 Published in Canada Canada

We are eating each other up! Where’s the unity? Where’s the ‘pulling’ for each other? Trying to help each other? Where’s the forgiveness, when one makes a mistake? Where is the compassion, the understanding that we’re all human – we’re all alike

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