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How to Defeat Hungary (and other tactical goodies)

19 Day 650, 10:13 Published in Canada Canada

It’s a long article, I understand, but I believe it to be well worth your time: welcome to another war strategy edition of The Canadian Monitor.

At the time of this writing, the liberation of Ontario is going well and we’re fast approaching

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A Message for the French

4 Day 649, 19:19 Published in Canada Canada

As you know by now, the liberation of Ontario is underway. For all Canadians and for our allies, do me a favour. When you see the French, say goodbye to them for me...

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Canada is Entitled to Brittany / Le Canada a droit à la Bretagne

15 Day 647, 12:46 Published in Canada Canada

(le français suit)

Ever since the liberation of Québec, Canadians have heard and seen much aggressive posturing coming out of France. Their message: “we want Québec” and they cite the following reasons to support their claim:

1. Québec used to

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France wants Québec. Solution: Attack Ontario. Tell France to invade UK instead.

10 Day 646, 11:16 Published in Canada Canada

Since the Battle of Ontario, I've kept a close watch on the news coming out of the occupiers' countries for a number of reasons. Today, one of the reasons for which I do this has been made very apparent: ever since Canada's liberation of Québec last

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Québec is back where it belongs!

6 Day 645, 19:01 Published in Canada Canada

This is a great victory for Canada and her allies! I'd like to take this time to extend a very warm and grateful feeling to those allies who fought with us today; you are the best! Celebrate!

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