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Latest Election Analysis

President Huey wins easily

7 Day 4,003, 00:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

time=09:10 BST
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

Huey George................... (W orkers' Rights Party) 78 votes 74.3%
Orly Levy Abekasis..... … read more »

Congress latest WRP lose 1 vote

9 Day 3,992, 01:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

time=08:30 BST
The system is greatest remainder PR with Hare Quota

The Unity Party ........... 29 Votes 11 Seats (-1)
Pirate Cats Party ......... 26 Votes 9 Seats (-1)
W orkers' Rights Party

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Party Elections Pirates only slightly interesting

57 Day 3,982, 10:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

16/10/2018 08:48
UK Reform Party Votes
certacito 14

Projected winner 54% turnout
Projected Losers

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President Huey wins Chaz 2nd Pirates 4th

4 Day 3,972, 02:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

time=12:56 BST
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

Huey George................... (The Unity Party) 63 votes 55.8%
CptChazbeard.................. … read more »

Congress Elections

5 Day 3,962, 08:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

time=12:50 BST
The system is greatest remainder PR with Hare Quota

The Unity Party ........... 36 Votes 12 Seats (-1)
Pirate Cats Party ...... … read more »