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Technocrats Policy, Part 4: Exporting and "Birth Bonus"

1 Day 540, 12:45 Published in Norway Norway

As promised, here is the fourth part of the series of articles on the Technocrat's policies. We will begin today by quoting from their manifest. It is translated from Norweigan via Google translate, so I apologize for the broken English. To quote:

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Technocrats Policy, Part 3: Economics and Taxes

10 Day 538, 09:08 Published in Norway Norway

The next part of the Technocrat's policy that I will review is about economics. Obviously, this is of major importance to any country and to every citizen as it governs taxes and what the government does with the taxes.

To quote from their site:

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Immigration Administration Formed!

3 Day 534, 08:15 Published in Norway Norway

Huzzah, fellow eNorweigans! The official Immigration Administration has been formed. The policies on asking and receiving aid from the administration are

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Technocrats Policy, Part 2: Immigration and Other Social Policies

2 Day 532, 17:09 Published in Norway Norway

(First, I want to apologize for not writing on a regular basis. I'm both moving and starting a new business IRL, so online life took a backseat for a while. 🙂 )

Now that we have established that the Technocrats have an open policy as for their

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Technocrats Policy, Part 1: Being Open

2 Day 524, 10:21 Published in Norway Norway

The Technocrats... who are they, and what do they stand for?

Believe me when I say that joining a political party for the first time was a major decision for me. I weighed the options carefully, looked at the past results, and the current

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