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Anime Music(Day 2,501)+ GIFs

3 Day 2,501, 16:52 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


For today we have:
Hiji Zuru Style
Anime: Samurai Champloo
Artist: Force of Nature, Suiken & S-Word

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[MoCH] Emperors Day- September 2014 (Voting)

3 Day 2,501, 01:54 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

After 3 days of nominations, it is time for voting. Voting will last for 3 days and you can only vote for one candidate. … read more »

AMV's(Day 2,499)+ manga moment

3 Day 2,499, 17:09 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


For today we have:
Cynical Hearts
Akame Ga Kill
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[MoCH] Emperors Day- September 2014 ( Nominations )

4 Day 2,498, 21:59 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

We chose the Empress, now it's time to choose the Emperor of the month.
Before nominating please read the rules first, so that we can avoid any possible misunderstanding.
[img][/img] … read more »

[Winner] Empress Day- September 2014

4 Day 2,498, 10:15 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

After 3 days of voting, we have the winner(s). Sorry I was kinda late with announcing the winners, had stuff to deal with in real life.

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