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Greetings from eIreland! / Поздрав из eИрске!

43 Day 828, 17:25 Published in Serbia Serbia

You have been bragging and flaming in the Irish media about how you defeated us in the Resistance War in Northern Ireland...

Let me get this read more »

Why Northern Ireland being in Irish Hands is beneficial to both countries....

12 Day 827, 17:41 Published in Ireland Ireland

This is really simple if you think about it...

There is always arguments about who should hold Northern Ireland and who shouldn't. This is focused … read more »

A Insight into the Political Parties in Ireland.

21 Day 822, 08:10 Published in Ireland Ireland

Politics in Ireland has been getting worse over the past month or so. Mainly because of the actions of many of the older members of eIreland, myself included. Sh!t read more »

Strange Coincidences?

34 Day 819, 17:22 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ok here are the 7 Conspirators (In no specific order)

1. John Jay
2. Dubhthaigh
3. Darragh O Faolain
4. Theus Jackus
5. ???????
6. ??????? … read more »

Great work Administration, You really are people to be admired...

20 Day 814, 18:03 Published in Ireland Ireland

Great work Ireland on the invasion of Norway, I want to personally congratulate the Administration for the ILLEGAL DoW on Norway.

A read more »