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Britain: Where is your peg now?

41 Day 971, 01:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I dunno, but I cannot find it.

Seems you guys think you got an amazing deal out of this. Sorry … read more »

Company Calculator Version 2.0!

17 Day 970, 14:51 Published in USA USA">
Annoucement: Calculator Version 2.0 is coming soon! Release date: Day 975 of the New World

If you haven't heard, I recently released an automated … read more »

NEW: Automated V2 Company Calculator!

26 Day 967, 22:42 Published in USA USA

Current version: 1.02
ATTENTION: Update to 1.02, there was a resorting bug that messes up your calculations if you don't have equal amounts of customization.
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My Resignation

16 Day 965, 19:15 Published in USA USA

Hello America.
I feel that I no longer have the time or drive to continue on in such a high activity job such as Secretary of the Treasury. I have been … read more »

Move to California: Tickets Here!

10 Day 956, 11:13 Published in USA USA

We are returning Karnataka tomorrow on July 4th, Karnataka Independence Day.

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