Ambient on/off


13 Day 283, 06:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Dish, our leader, our future, UK's saviour!!!!

He's the smartest, he's the best,
with him as leader, we'll pwn the rest

A vote for him is a vote for you,
He's the one that listens to you too

He can do it and he'lll bring us to the top,

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Standing for party elections

0 Day 141, 22:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


dear citizens, dear UKRP members, and dear E-republik members,

I've got back from France a few days ago and although he had already told me this months ago, I read that our beloved president

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Standing for Party Elections for the UKRP

13 Day 140, 09:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

dear citizens, dear UKRP members, and dear E-republik members,

I've got back from France a few days ago and although he had already told me this months ago, I read that our beloved president Kaleb will not stand for the upcoming party elections.

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I'm leaving you all ...

14 Day 129, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

.... for a week 😃 (haha, had you all there with that title)

I'm off to southern France for a week, so I will not be able to respond to any PM's. I still need to ask him, but I hope kaleb will be able to watch over my account in the mean time.

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many thankx

5 Day 122, 03:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

my thanx goes out to the many voters in all of e-world. not only the ones who voted for me, but to all ppl who voted, in all countries. It's a sign of involvement and for the elected mayors, it's a sign that ppl agree with your idea's and

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