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28 Day 970, 20:11 Published in China China


1. 朝鲜国籍,当然,议员选举前朝鲜没有议员,飞到朝鲜去申请一下即可立刻免费获得国籍
2. 报名或当选后,不得中途自行辞职并离开朝鲜,更需要你承诺期间不得afk或者退出游戏
3. 行动听指挥,包括批国籍,进行提案,以及投票等
4. 由于朝鲜行动需要经费,须承诺当选将该藏宝图的80%捐给组织
5. 为方便联络,在群119586430,并且活跃者优先
6. 曾长期潜伏的老志愿军战士优先
7. 为朝鲜

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[President] The country hospital company is founded

16 Day 965, 03:17 Published in North Korea North Korea

Hi all citizens,

We announce that the country hospital company is founded today, which will help to defend our country. It can also give the job opportunity
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The cabinet of eNK/朝鲜内阁成立

52 Day 960, 19:46 Published in North Korea North Korea

English Version:

First, Thanks for Afanasiy Drago's joining in us, who was the President of eNK before eRussia PTO eNK. Now the cabinet of eNK is estabilished, and the following is the list

Vice President: Afanasiy Drago
Senior Minister:

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North Korea, Independence Day

45 Day 959, 00:27 Published in North Korea North Korea

Today, the Russian bot president was defeated even though he launched three waves of multi accounts votes. He can't even win president election with cheating.
Today is North Korea's independence Day.
North Korea is not the puppet of eRussia from

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106 Day 959, 00:00 Published in China China


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