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Ordo Teutonicus

1 Day 572, 13:00 Published in Germany Germany

Dear Friends,

After the fall of Germany, many of our brothers threw down their swords in despair. They sat down in the black forest and stared
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Ordo Teutonicus

10 Day 569, 12:01 Published in Germany Germany

Hail Oribabky und Hallo eDeutschland!

Noch vor kurzem sah die Situation um eDeutschland sehr schlecht aus. Nun mit der Hilfe von PEACE bringen wir die Schweden und Polen in eine etwas druckvollere Lage.
Zu früh gefreut Polen/Schweden!
Doch … read more »

Ordo Teutonicus: O nascimento da Ordem Teutônica

7 Day 564, 18:26 Published in Brazil Brazil

Caros amigos,

No sábado passado, tropas alemãs andaram em direção Ocidente, já que foram expulsos pelo ataque polaco. Em read more »

Ordo Teutonicus - The rise of the Teutonic Order

0 Day 562, 06:18 Published in USA USA

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday, German troops streamed Westwards as they were finally pushed back by the read more »

Ordo Teutonicus - The rise of the Teutonic Order

6 Day 562, 06:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday, German troops streamed Westwards as they were finally pushed back by the read more »