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Humour for Today

4 Day 1,487, 11:28 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Blonde goes flying

A blonde went to a flight school insisting that she wanted to learn to fly. As all the planes were currently in use, the owner agreed to instruct … read more »

Humour for Today

1 Day 1,486, 08:20 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Got sent this by a co-worker today.

Should I Really Join Facebook? (Priceless)

A good laugh for people in the over 50 group!

When I bought my Blackberry, I … read more »

Humour for Today

0 Day 1,485, 09:34 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Drinking fault finder

A solution to all of your drinking troubles

Symptom: Drinking fails to give satisfaction and taste; shirt front is wet.
Fault: Mouth not open or glass … read more »

Humour for Today

0 Day 1,484, 09:43 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The body builder takes off his shirt and the blonde says,
"What … read more »

Humour for Today

1 Day 1,483, 07:17 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

An extraordinarily handsome man decided he had the responsibility to marry the perfect woman so they could produce beautiful children beyond compare.

With that as … read more »