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Church of Rangerism

8 Day 777, 19:13 Published in Australia Australia

Calling all Rangerites Come Serve The Church

We will together take down this threat of the zannites.

We welcome all converts to become a rangerite
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Happy New Year! eAustralia!

9 Day 772, 05:13 Published in Australia Australia

Dear my fellow eAustralia citizens the fire works just went off in sydeny that marks the new year is apon us 2010! I hope you all have a great 2010 and i really hope 2010 is a great year for eAustralia!
Now lets get drunk!
Aussie Bloke.

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eAustralia Elite being Perm Banned WTF?

5 Day 769, 03:39 Published in USA USA

Scotywest Perm Banned

Corny ratbag Perm Banned

Ranger Bob Temp Banned

ezekiel_thomas Perm Banned

What the hell are you doing Admins.......

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What the Hell is Going ON!

6 Day 769, 03:37 Published in Australia Australia

Scotywest Perm Banned

corny-ratbag Perm Banned

Ranger Bon Temp ban

Ezekiel_thomas Perm Banned

Have all been banned what the hell is going on there done nothing wrong!

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Premier of Victoria

9 Day 767, 09:23 Published in Australia Australia

Dear fellow eAustralia Citizens,

I would like to thank you all for your support in the senate as i was elected in first spot in victoria.
I was shocked but happy to see my self on top in Victoria, a state that dose not get the recognition

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